Our Stories

Today's story was written by Regina, Jenny's mom. She talks about how Down syndrome does not define Jenny or her abilities. She is accepted in her community as Jenny, not by her disability. As a single parent, it was hard to be as committed as I wanted to my daughter’s school functions. One time, I received a...

The Diagnosis Experience I Never Had for My Son With Down Syndrome By Melody Bogan I recently attended a class with genetic counselors in training at a local college. Several families, including myself, were asked to be actors in adjoining patient rooms receiving a diagnosis of Down syndrome for our newborns. My nerves were shot and I...

When our daughter, Logan, was born 3 1/2 years ago I feared for what life would be for her. Would she walk, talk, feed herself? Would she ever have any friends? To answer that, she does and has all of these things. Logan started preschool in February and she has made many friends. She is...

Will has a lot of friends at school and sometimes it is hard for his teacher or aide to transition him down the hall because his 'fans' all want to give him a hug or grab a high-five. Sometimes the hugs can be distracting, so his teacher decided to read the class a book about...

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