Down Syndrome Association of Central Ohio / Awareness  / Down Syndrome Awareness Month Story- Norah

Down Syndrome Awareness Month Story- Norah

norah-martinThe 2016 Columbus Buddy Walk was our very first Buddy Walk that we get to participate in. My family and I were so thrilled and have been working so hard to fundraise and add members to our team, Norah’s Force! When DSACO advised they were going to have Columbus Buddy Walk yard signs, I was so proud to display one in my front yard. Not only was I proud, but my neighbors and good friends on our street displayed one too.

Unfortunately, not everyone shares the same pride and someone reported our Columbus Buddy Walk yard sign, along with 5 of my neighbors, to our HOA. I was really disappointed knowing someone felt the need to do that, rather than feeling good knowing a really special little girl had so much support. I posted on my neighborhood Facebook page just to make people aware and I was completely shocked by the outpouring of love and support from neighbors, most of whom I had never even met. People who didn’t know my family wanted to display yard signs in their yards to show us support; so I delivered over 40 yard signs that week. There were people who were wanting to donate to our team, help raise awareness, and who even wanted to walk with us. I heard many people say that they were telling people they knew about this sign being reported, as they were really bothered by it, thus continuing to spread awareness about the Columbus Buddy Walk.

Although this situation wasn’t ideal, it ended up doing more good than bad. We were able to educate and raise awareness about the Columbus Buddy Walk to individuals who had never heard of it before, create new friendships, but most importantly it showed us the incredible support we have in our community.  #Norahsforce

This awareness and inclusion story was submitted by Norah’s mom, Alli Martin.

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