Adult Literacy Pilot Project

Down Syndrome Association of Central Ohio / Adult Literacy Pilot Project

Our mission is to promote improved literacy outcomes, enhance self-confidence, and increase quality of life for adults with Down syndrome.  

Our vision is to connect DSACO’s adult membership with highly qualified tutors who can build on reading abilities and address gaps in foundational reading skills. Each participant will participate in a pre-assessment to determine the learner’s baseline levels. In partnership with the adult and their family, the tutor will use the assessment to determine 1-2 focus areas and deliver targeted, 1:1 instruction.  

This program is currently being piloted with a test group of adult learners and tutors. If you are interested in being added to our waitlist, please visit to complete a waitlist application. Thank you!

We are recruiting educators with a strong background in reading knowledge and structured reading instruction. Please fill out the interest form if you would like more information.  

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